If you’ve had a conversation with me recently, you are aware just how transparent and to the point I am. I like to sleep at night knowing I have had honest, transparent conversations with both my buyer and seller clients. And I’ve had numerous conversations recently. Sellers who are considering getting their home on the market before another rate increase. Buyers, the same, looking to buy before the next rate increase. So, sellers, here’s what you need to know before you get your home on the market. Tip 1 - Your home needs to be presented like a model home, like something you’d see in Architectural Digest. Now, every home is different with respect to age and price range; however, you can still tidy up your home and present it in it’s best light. Two things I bring to the table, staging and professional photography. Both will ensure you have a better offer presented to you. And, no, I don’t take photos with my iphone. This market has shifted so much that both staging and professional photography should be included, not even a question.Tip 2 – Clean your home. Yes, buyers will look in cupboards and your oven. Generally, just how clean your oven is will tell buyer how clean the remainder of your home is. Tip 3 – Pack everything you don’t need for now. Summer is over, pack your summer clothes and everything you won’t need over the next month or two. And, if you don’t want to pack, then donate or toss!Bonus Tip – Have a pre-inspection done before you list! This takes the negotiating power away from the buyer and ensures your home is presented in the best possible way!Generally, if you take the time to follow the three tips above, I can assure you the sale process should be less stressful and the offer you receive, will be, most likely, a better offer than if you didn’t prep your home the way it should be presented. Call me today if you are thinking about listing, I can tell you, you’ll be happy you did!